Herpes Dating Club

The Largest Herpes Dating Website for Herpes Singles, Positive Singles, HSV Singles And STD Singles

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Why Choose Herpes Dating club?

highest match rate

Creat Profile

When you have Herpes, HPV, HIV or any STDs, it can make you feel like you are all alone in the world. If you wish there was a place where you didn't have to worry about being rejected or discriminated against, PositiveSingles was designed with you in mind.

best user experience

Best User Experience

PositiveSingles is the best, largest, completely anonymous and most trusted online dating site for people with Herpes, HPV, HIV / AIDS and other STDs in the world. We have 60,000+ STD dating success stories, 120,000+ daily conversations, 15,000+ daily active members.

100%-risk-free guarantee

Connect- 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

If you’re not 100% satisfied with your subscription plan, you can apply for a full refund. Positive Singles is 100% risk-free. No hassle, no question asked.

awesome customer service

Awesome Customer Service

We provide 24/7 customers services through various methods of customer support, such as free phone contact, live support, dating counselors and email support. 15,000+ daily active members. Treatment Stories STD Q & A (live counselor)

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#1 STD Dating Website - STD Dating in the Real World. Persons appearing in photographs may not be actual members. Other data are for illustrative purposes only. PositiveSingles does not conduct background checks on the members of this website.

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